اكثر المواقع زيارة على الشبكة العنكبوتية الانترنت , List of most popular websites

اكثر المواقع زيارة على الشبكة العنكبوتية الانترنت , List of most popular websites

Google google.com 1 2 Internet services and products U.S.
YouTube youtube.com 2 3 Video sharing U.S.
Facebook facebook.com 3 1 Social network U.S.
Baidu baidu.com 4 16 Search engine China
Yahoo! yahoo.com 5 5 Portal and media U.S.
Amazon amazon.com 6 10 E-commerce and cloud computing U.S.
Wikipedia wikipedia.org 7 7 Encyclopedia U.S.
Tencent QQ qq.com 8 41 Portal China
Google India google.co.in 9 14 Search engine India
Twitter twitter.com 10 8 Social network U.S.
Taobao taobao.com 12 50 Online shopping China
Google Japan google.co.jp 13 21 Search engine Japan
Bing bing.com 14 36 Search engine U.S.
Instagram instagram.com 15 6 Photo sharing and social media U.S.
Sina Corp sina.com.cn 17 110 Portal and instant messaging China
Yahoo! Japan yahoo.co.jp 19 28 Portal Japan
MSN msn.com 20 27 Portal U.S.
VK vk.com 21 4 Social network Russia
Yandex yandex.ru 23 12 Search engine Russia
Hao123 hao123.com 24 180 Web directories China
Google UK google.co.uk 25 13 Search engine UK
Reddit reddit.com 26 26 social news networking,entertainment U.S.
eBay ebay.com 27 24 Online auctions andshopping U.S.
t.co t.co 29 78 URL shortening for links on Twitter U.S.
Tmall tmall.com 30 92 Retail China
Google Brazil google.com.br 31 11 Search engine Brazil
360 Safeguard 360.cn 32 85 Internet security and anti-trojan software China
Sohu sohu.com 33 204 Portal China
Amazon Japan amazon.co.jp 34 63 E-commerce Japan
Pinterest pinterest.com 35 43 Social media U.S.
Mail.ru mail.ru 36 18 Portal Russia
Onclickads onclickads.net 37 N/A[notes 1] Online advertising network U.S.
Netflix netflix.com 38 32 Streaming TV and movies U.S.
Microsoft microsoft.com 41 57 Software and technology U.S.
WordPress.com wordpress.com 43 54 Blogging and social media U.S.
Tumblr tumblr.com 45 34 Social media U.S.
PayPal PayPal.com 46 56 Payment system U.S.
Blogspot blogspot.com 47 450,370 Blogging U.S.
Imgur imgur.com 48 45 Image sharing U.S.
Stack Overflow stackoverflow.com 49 157 Question and answer site U.S.
AliExpress aliexpress.com 50 46 Online shopping China
Naver Naver.com 51


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